What Should a Therapist Know About Sex? ft. Dr. Rachel Needle

Erika and Dr. Rachel Needle, psychologist, certified sex therapist, co-director of Modern Sex Therapy Institutes, and doer of all the things, talk about the importance of being educated about sexual health; especially for those who are in the helping and medical fields. They focus on questions like: What kind of client testimony can give the impression that a therapist wasn’t properly trained in, or hasn’t been exposed to enough, sexual health education? And, what can happen for therapists when they feel inadequate about sex?
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What we talked about
Erika and Dr. Rachel Needle, psychologist, certified sex therapist, co-director of Modern Sex Therapy Institutes, and doer of all the things, talk about the importance of being educated about sexual health; especially for those who are in the helping and medical fields. They focus on questions like: What kind of client testimony can give the impression that a therapist wasn’t properly trained in, or hasn’t been exposed to enough, sexual health education? And, what can happen for therapists when they feel inadequate about sex?
In the answers to these questions, the ladies make note of how some therapists avoid talking to clients about sex, ultimately doing them a disservice. They advocate how vital it is for therapists to use the right words with clients and resist jumping to conclusions. The overall sentiment of the conversation expresses a desire for the world of therapy, in general, to be inclusive of every domain of life.
More about Rachel
Dr. Needle received her M.S. and Psy.D. in clinical psychology from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She received her B.A. in psychology from Barnard College, Columbia University. Dr. Needle completed an internship in clinical psychology at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Medical School in Piscataway, New Jersey.
Dr. Needle is a Licensed Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist in private practice at the Center for Marital and Sexual Health of South Florida (www.cmshsf.com). She is also the founder and executive director of the Whole Health Psychological Center (www.wholehealthpsych.com) a comprehensive psychological practice with therapists with a broad range of specialty areas. She is the founder and CEO of the Advanced Mental Health Training Institute, which provides continuing education to Florida mental health professionals, as well as Psychologists and sex therapists across the world (www advancedmentalhealthtrainings.com). She has an ongoing blog and personal website (www.drrachel.com).
Dr. Needle is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology in the Department of Behavioral Sciences, in the Masters in Forensic Psychology, and in the Doctorate in Criminal Justice programs at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Dr. Needle’s clinical and research interests include sexual function and dysfunction, relationship concerns, sexual compulsivity, battered women, and trauma. She has a particular interest in working with individuals both during and following cancer treatment. Dr. Needle has presented her research and clinical work at national and international conferences. She has been quoted in a number of popular magazines such as Details, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Cosmo Girl, and Shape, and has written several articles for Glamour Magazine’s online Blog: Smitten.
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