Dr. Eric Sprankle
Dr. Eric Sprankle joins us today to talk about religious shame around sex and pleasure. It's an amazing conversation talking about how to dismantled the shaming system and promote a comprehensive sex education.
Pandia Health
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What we talked about!
You do research, teach, write, and share all of these wonderful productions with us on social media. What strikes me is the connection I find with my clients, and cultural stigma around sex often leads back to religiosity. Let’s talk…
How does abstinence only education have its roots in Christianity?
So let’s dismantle this shame system. What does comprehensive sex education actually look like?
After you tell your close friends about your latest sexual encounter do they look at you like you just slapped a puppy? Do they say they are trying to be supportive, but are actually saying, “Burn the witch” under their breath? You are experiencing distress that many people experience when attempting to feel confident about their sexuality, but are met with misunderstanding and judgment from friends, family, and society.
– Dr. Sprankle in response to an 18 year old asking questions about the number of people they’ve had sex with.
Where to find more about Dr. Eric Sprankle
Twitter @DrSprankle
InstaGram @DrSprankle
Check out the book I’m reading this month!!
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