Sex Talk Therapists Support
Learn, consult, & have a home with other professionals
Be curious about sex with other mental health professionals. Be part of the discussion on how to best handle clients sexual stories. Be the best helper you can!
In the Sex Talk Therapists Support Group, join hundreds of other mental health professionals in meaningful discussions on how we handle things like arousal, transference, counter-transference, sexual hang-ups, biases, and more.
Your questions get answered not only by myself, but others who work in the mental health, medical, and education fields. Spark a conversation about how you may struggle with client’s and patient’s sex questions. How does your personal biases help or hinder your ability to provide quality care and knowledge to others?
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Engage Your Curiosity
Be curious for your clients
Treat sex like it's normal
Societal and cultural norms really cause us to hang up the phone when it comes to talking about sex. But it’s something many of us do, it’s pleasurable, it’s fun, and it’s generally how our species continues to exist at all.
Be Factual
Research based knowledge is the only way to be sure about how everything around sex works. We’re whole beings, and sometimes we need a better understanding of the context of the brain. People learn so much about sex from things like porn, pop culture, and religion that they get lost in the shame generated in those mediums.
Be Open
Being open to the idea that everyone experiences sex a little differently is a good thing. There’s basics that we can expect, but humans are full of the unexpected. It’s really why there’s therapists, doctors, and teachers. Sex is far more varied and used for many reasons other than procreation. When we decontruct our shame around sex, we win and so do our clients.
Be Compassionate
Sex is an experience, just like our sense of touch, taste, and smell. When we shed shame about sex, the experience is better, more informed, and freer. Being compassionate about how we as humans experience sex is important so that as professionals we guide those in our care in an unbiased and healthy way.
Ask Questions
So if you're stuck, can't find the answer, then just take the opportunity to ask! There's no wrong questions in our community and I encourage respectful conversations
Join other curious folks like you!
Join hundreds of other mental health professionals in Sex Talk Therapists Support on Facebook!
Here’s what other professionals are saying about Sex Talk
Erika seriously breaks down the process in being open and compassionate. The group is really full of wonderful people who struggle but want to help our clients live richer and fuller lives, including their sex lives.
Josh N.
I really didn’t understand that I was experiencing transferrence from my clients until I really took a close look. With help from the group and Erika, I felt like I had that “ding! lightbulb!” moment. I was able to really help my clients better after that, and continue to approach the group in a clearer way.
Thanks Erika!
Amber A.
Oh my gosh, I had no idea that my patients struggling with E.D. would benefit so much from therapy as well as medication. I think as medical professionals, we forget that a person truly is whole, including the mind.
Karen C.
LMFT, Christian Counselor