It is Okay to Just Want to F*ck ft. Vanessa Carlisle, PhD

Erika gets down with Vanessa Carlisle, PhD! They talk about Vanessa's life journey through the world of sex work up to filling additional roles as a writer, educator, and consultant. They chat about the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on sex workers, and attempt to de-mystify the subjects surrounding sex-work.

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What we talked about

Erika gets down with Vanessa Carlisle, PhD! They talk about Vanessa's 20 year life journey through the world of sex work and finding her way up to additional roles as a writer, educator, and consultant. Along the way, we'll hear about Vanessa's weekly Somatic Self Support sessions, hosted on Instagram Live, and wax reminiscent about her podcast “On the Dresser”.

Erika and Vanessa also chat about the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on sex workers, and attempt to de-mystify the subjects surrounding sex-work. Specifically, Erika asks if Vanessa has seen any particular patterns within her work, personally, and with her own clients and colleagues. 

More about Vanessa

VanessaCarlisle, PhD (she professionally/they for people who love me) is a queer polyamorous writer, educator, and consultant with twenty years experience as a sex worker. She teaches weekly Somatic Self Support sessions on Instagram Live.  

Where to find Vanessa

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