Financial Domination ft. Mistress Harley

Welcome back folks for our second episode of season 4, how exciting! I'm joined by Mistress Harley, a Techdomme, to talk all about financial domination and much more. What is financial domination you ask? Well, you'll just have to listen in! We'll talk about how Mistress Harley became a dominatrix, and how she connected with this particular niche. And if you're not ready to listen yet, let me just say, make sure you listen to hear about her new album, 10 Pimpstress Commandments.

What we talked about

A traditional BDSM is all about the exchange of power between consenting people. In financial domination, money is the exchange because of the power it represent. Money has a lot of feelings attached to it. And some submissives (those who give power)

Mistress Harley's best selling book is Scam Book for Guys who Love to Lose: Instant Scam. A really quick read!

She connected with partners who would want her to beat them with whips and chains or other BDSM behavior. Eventually, she left a tech job to take on the entrepreneurial role of a sex worker, particularly a dominatrix.

We even touched a little on our love of Star Trek. Fun fact, Mistress Harley was involved in the Deep Space 9 documentary What We Left Behind.

Where to find Mistress Harley

Mistress Harley's website


