Kenneth Play is an international sex expert and sex educator. Named the world’s greatest sexhacker by GQ, he has been featured by more than one hundred media outlets, includingTheNew York Times, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Huffington Post, and Nightline.Kenneth has been a guest lecturer on female sexual pleasure at New York University and SanJose State University. His work has helped millions of men gain lasting confidence andcompetence. AskMen described Kenneth’s most recent course as having “at least one nugget ofsexual learning you’ve almost certainly never encountered before, if not several.”
What We Talked About
In today’s episode, we have Kenneth Play an international sex expert and educator who has been recognized as the greatest sex hacker named by GQ. Kenneth has been a lecturer on female sexual pleasure at New York University and San Jose State University and his work has helped millions of men to gain confidence and competence. He has been featured in more than a hundred media outlets such as the New York Times, Men’s Health Cosmopolitan, Huffington Post and Nightline. He is also an author of; Beyond Satisfied: A Sex Hackers Guide to Endless Orgasms, Mind-blowing Connection, and lasting confidence.
Kenneth joins us today to give us a deeper understanding of sexual pleasure and take us through some parts of his book with his unique way of using highly directive images in his course.
“Men are not selfish; they want to give and want to learn but are misguided by only seeing imagery and porn, which they think is creating female pleasure. It's like learning to drive by watching the Fast and Furious.”
Key Highlights
[01:59] The state of thinking when creating highly directive images and courses.
[04:35] Self-sabotage and anxiety and how it impacts sexual health.
[09:11] What other topics other than penetration sex should we know about.
[11:41] Learning about sexual sensation and pleasure.
[15:28] Which sex/body myth is most toxic to men?
[18:14] What it means to listen to your partner.
[21:37] What would Kenneth Play tell his teenage self?
[22:57] Understanding the anxiety of opening up to the idea of pleasure.
How to Find Kenneth
Website: https://kennethplay.com/
Book: Beyond Satisfied by Kenneth Play https://book.kennethplay.com/beyond-satisfied-bookll